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COEJATC has initiated national projects involving the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) training centers across Canada. Through these joint ventures, quality, educational curriculum has been developed and taught to IUOE members, which include e-learning, paper-based courses and the mobility phase project.

Mobility Phase Project (4 phases)

  • Phase 1 - Compiling existing standards and curriculum

  • Phase 2 - Development of 27 national occupational standards

  • Phase 3 - Development of assessment tools criteria

  • Phase 4 - Development of information exchange infrastructure

The objective of this 4-phase project is to facilitate mobility for operating engineer members across Canada through quality training programs and operating engineer credentials.

COEJATC will continue to:

  • establish national standards for Operating Engineers occupations

  • coordinate projects, develop curriculum and training

  • share knowledge, standards, curriculum, training aids, and human resources to optimize benefits to all concerned

  • maximize the use of our design, development, and delivery resource

  • standardize the design and development of curriculum

  • work with industry to develop, cost-effective and innovative methods, to develop curriculum and training strategies and to deliver high quality programs

  • establish partnerships with Federal and/or Provincial Governments to develop and implement national projects of mutual interest

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